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Letter to...

Lizzie Anne

Hello again my Love, I was pleased to hear that you enjoyed 'THE BAY', we wouldn't miss it, we're already looking forward to the third series. 😄

I don't know about you, but I certainly welcomed the clocks going forward, meaning extra daylight and new signs of life in the garden, and the garden furniture - out from its winter storage, on the patio again. I just love it❣️ 🙏🏼 "Thank You Lord, that the Vaccines are giving us protection against this dreadful Pandemic; and we definitely pray Your blessing upon the young people who have suffered Long COVID - that their symptoms will pass soon and they will bounce back to good health. We're also praying Lord, that You will comfort all those who have lost loved ones to the Coronavirus." Amen.

I finished the book I mentioned in my last letter, and let's say - it didn't disappoint! 😁 We've been Pen pals for thirteen years now, 😘 and are blessed to be lifted in each others daily prayers - Friendship is a wonderful thing, but we are not simply friends - we are also sisters in Christ❣️and considering the many restrictions we’ve had to contend with recently, we never run out of conversation. "Thank You again Lord" Amen. I struggled to get my choice of Easter Cards this year being in Lockdown, if I’d had my wits about me, I could have ordered packs online, but it was too late when I realised🙃 🙂 Your hand crafted card was as beautiful as ever, thank you my love, it took pride of place on our Fireplace as usual❣️ I pray that your Easter was everything you hoped it would be . . . . and more. 🙌🏻 😘 We missed our Church services both last Easter and this, but we wouldn't be beaten, all I can say is “Thank goodness for YouTube and Zoom!” Our Resurrection Sunday Service was excellent; and the weather was kind as well, so no complaints here! Although it’s mixed again now, it’s nippy today. Brrrrrr!

I do hope and pray you have a lovely April, and that your Prayer Walks are a blessing to you - as you Bless others. We are keeping well, and prayed that you are likewise. I look forward to hearing your news as always my love, stay well and keep safe❣️

Very much love, Lizzie Anne x x x

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